Izašao je novi spot benda Kevlar Bikini za pjesmu "The Wailer"

Punk rock rifovi, začinjeni daškom black metala, koji su potresli Zagreb krajem ožujka sada imaju popratni spot. "The Wailer" je drugi singl s nadolazećeg albuma "OPT-OUTism" benda Kevlar Bikini, koji uskoro izlazi pod okriljem Geenger Recordsa.

Bend poručuje - "The Wailer" je pjesma o napornim ljudima koji kmeče kad god stignu i jadaju se svakom tko sluša. S druge strane to je pjesma o nenalaženju utjehe u činjenici da drugi ljudi imaju veće probleme od tebe. Tvoji su problemi najvažniji i zato samo nastavi kmečati koliko god te volja...

"OPT-OUTism" izlazi 22. svibnja. Pred-narudžbe su dostupne putem sljedeće poveznice --> https://gngr.space/085

The Wailer

There's a guy with no legs selling used porn mags

And there's a guy so fat he can't get out of bed

There're little girls traded for cattle

And 12-year-olds that are trained for battle

Cancer patients bald and weak

There are people losing limbs right as we speak

...and you... you...

Wail like the day you were born

There are women getting taped... tied getting raped

There are towns blown to bits and there are people under bricks

There're some fools underground, they are wasting time on this sound

There are straight guys doing gay porn

...and you...

Wail like the day you were born

And then on the other hand

For none of that, you are to blame

From where you stand

The main star should wear your name

Just cause they have it worse doesn't mean you don't hurt

Just cause they have it worse doesn't mean you don't hurt

Just cause they have it worse doesn't mean you don't hurt

Just because they have it worse doesn't mean you don't hurt

So wail like the day you were born!